I've been playing with the most efficient way of doing commenting on the code you are adding / changing in standard code. This is what I have so far; in involves the developer setting the Startup project in their Tools -> Options. This code is meant to be written in the Classes \ EditorScripts
void comments_AddMyComments(Editor e)
System.DateTime dt;
UserInfo userInfo;
ProjName projectName;
int startLine = e.selectionStartLine();
int endLine = e.selectionEndLine();
select firstonly Name from userInfo
where userInfo.Id == curuserid();
dt = System.DateTime::get_Now();
projectName = userInfo.startupProject;
if (projectName == '')
projectName = 'ReplaceProject';
e.insertLines(strFmt('// %1, %2, %3, %4', projectName, userInfo.name, CLRInterop::getAnyTypeForObject(dt.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd')), '-->\n'));
e.gotoLine(endLine + 2);
e.insertLines(strFmt('// %1, %2, %3, %4', projectName, userInfo.name, CLRInterop::getAnyTypeForObject(dt.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd')), '<--\n'));
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