Retrieving the RecId value from the AxQueryString of your current page is fairly simple; this value of course is allowing you to select the record that was passed as a reference to your page (either the record that was selected in a grid and you are opening it in a details page, or a childs page that you will filter based in the parent's RecId just passed).
The code can be found in a number of standard pages, but I'm using my codebook as an easier reference:
int tableId = 0;
Int64 recId = 0;
if (this.AxQueryString != null && this.AxQueryString.RecordContext != null)
tableId = this.AxQueryString.RecordContext.TableId;
IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<int, object>> en = this.AxQueryString.RecordContext.DataKey.GetEnumerator();
int fieldId = this.AxQueryString.RecordContext.DataKey.Table.Fields.GetByName("RecId").FieldId;
while (en.MoveNext())
if (en.Current.Key == fieldId)
recId = Convert.ToInt64(en.Current.Value);
Just a reminder, doing the following will better depict the context:
and will output:
[65534:5637152826] 0 5637152826
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