Getting The service did not start due to a logon failure message

Of course, as the error message is saying (The service did not start due to a logon failure) the credentials you used when setting up your AOS service (the service having its display name - this would be a R3 AOS - Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-MicrosoftDynamicsAX) are wrong.

Possible reasons for this are: a) account's password has expired; b) account's passwor has changed in the meantime; c) account deleted maybe?

The fix is simple: just change the credentials' values for either user name and/or password.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lulian,
    When I'm restarting services getting a logon failure, error, if I add same credential's manually services are started. This is happening every time. In my case service account password not changed, not disabled, password not expired. Do you have any clue why this is happening?

    Ravi Theja Madisetty
