[AX2012 UTILS] Data Dictionary Synchronization Wrong IDs Fix

Initially the sync problem that I was having was in relation to running the process in a PowerShell automatically, however, I realized that this may be only one of the scenarios ...
 So, the scenario is like this:  
you have an AX 2012 instance with your model installed and the database filled with data; 
you delete your model and want to install a newer version that has other IDs for the table;
you want to keep the data and the sync errors out. 


am not sure if this solution will resolve all your problems or maybe you can find another approach to fix your issue, but this works fine for my tasks: http://axsyncautofix.codeplex.com/

The class will basically go through all the tables and do the following for each one:

 - move to a temp id the different table that holds this id;
 - see if you already have the AOT table in the SQLDictionary and if you do change the id if it is different (for the table and all it's fields);
 - then parse through all the fields in your layer's id interval and perform the same logic:
 - move to a temp id the different field that holds this id;
 - change the id if it is different.

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